Well, it's pretty much all pizza for the next two weeks folks. I have used three of the four allotted "cheat meals" through the first two weeks, leaving only one more for the remainder of the month. I rationed these cheat meals about as well as Christina Aguilera sang the National Anthem at the Super Bowl (zing).
Two cheat meals in one weekend would seemingly be a display of horrible self-control, and normally I would agree, but if you were in position, you would have succumbed too. Also, you probably wouldn't have agreed to eat pizza for a whole month like some kind of idiot in the first place.
On Friday night, I was in Philadelphia. I stayed the night, and when I woke up on Saturday morning, there was a serious hankering for a cheesesteak from Pat's. Don't judge me.
Then last night, I came face-to-face with an incredible dish of fusilli pasta with crumbled sausage, artichoke hearts, sun-dried tomatoes, black olives and melted mozzarella. It was a game-time decision, but let's not pretend for a second I was going to be able to resist a meal like that.
One cheat left. I think it'll have to be used on sushi next weekend.
Should be an interesting two weeks.
Oh, also, I'm down almost two pounds. Go figure.